Author Topic: Courier-IMAP shared folders support?  (Read 9651 times)

Offline agentdr8

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Courier-IMAP shared folders support?
« on: January 01, 2007, 10:50:54 PM »
I've been playing with the latest RC beta and SVN versions for the past day or so and it's really a great client. The only thing it seems to be "missing" as an IMAP-aware MUA goes is support for private and public namespaces. Apparently I'm not the only one that noticed this though, as I found a reference to it on the Wiki

I looked through the various code pages to see if anything can be done to rectify this, but it would seem that some re-work would be necessary, as the imap_root is being explicitly set (even if you leave the $rcmail_config['imap_root'] = ''; as a null value). Courier-IMAP has multiple namespaces (or imap roots), INBOX. and shared., both of which are at the top level. If you leave the imap_root as null, you get all subfolders at the same level as INBOX, which in and of itself is wrong, since they're below the INBOX. level. That requires setting imap_root to '.' or 'INBOX.'.

RC can see the shared. namespace, if it's explicitly set as the imap_root or by putting it into the URL (i.e. http://server/webmail/?_task=mail&_mbox=shared.Spam), but as you can imagine, this isn't ideal. If anyone out there has figured out a way for RC to display the shared. namespace in the folder list, a patch would be highly appreciated.


Offline Zenox

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Re: Courier-IMAP shared folders support?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 05:50:51 AM »
Anyone found a solution to this problem? It would be great to have a ticket on it in the Trac project manager so it will be remembered and hopefully dealt with in time.

Thanks for this wonderful webmail application anyhow. My regards to the developers, very nicely done. Clean, easy-to-use and efficient. Keep up the good work.

Offline darklajid

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Re: Courier-IMAP shared folders support?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2007, 05:52:38 AM »
There was a discussion about this on the ML. As I pointed out there: This should be rather trivial as soon as RC understands* and uses** the NAMESPACE imap extention.
I plan to hack on this support myself, but being a Perl/Delphi/Java/.Net guy and having limited/rusty php skills this could take some time (or starve to death on my todo list)..

*: It already does, since (as Thomas kindly pointed out) RC doesn't use the php imap extension but a native php implementation which already parses the NAMESPACE output.

**: It currently seems to ignore most of the NAMESPACE output (read: It only remebers the private user folder) and I'm not sure if this information is used at all.

If anyone wants to join me here, trying to hack that support in: Drop me a line or post it to the ML. I can easily explain the underlying problem and might be able to help out with some php as well, but I guess I'd need a helping (more experienced) hand here..

Offline Zenox

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Re: Courier-IMAP shared folders support?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 07:47:47 AM »
I would gladly have helped, but also have very little PHP experience and extremely short of time. I'm mostly a C++, C# and Java developer anyways. Would be nice if this problem could go into the Trac aswell so it isn't forgotten about. Is there anyone who feels they have a bit of time over for this so we can see some progress?