Author Topic: Where find the plugin Account ?  (Read 5167 times)

Offline lilom

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Where find the plugin Account ?
« on: December 08, 2012, 07:21:15 AM »
Hi All,

Where find the plugin "Account", to manage serveral imap account ?
The last year, I installed it on an older Roundcube version... but not, with the 0.8.4, I can't find it.   It seems to be available with myroundcube but it's not free ! 6$ !!!

Thank you in advance


Offline lilom

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Re: Where find the plugin Account ?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 02:44:17 AM »
Nobody seriously ?
I'm sure you are many to use this useful plugin  :D

Offline Yoni

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Re: Where find the plugin Account ?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2012, 03:00:15 AM »
lilom, accounts plugin is part of MyRoundcube bundle plugins. Rosali, the head of the Project, has developed and maintained this plugin for a long time now. There are previous versions that can be found out there in the wild (it might not be fully compatible with 0.8.x considering that we've updated it several times). Searching might help.

It is there and it is available, just not a free plugin within the arsenal we've shared and distributed for so long. Maybe it is a great time for you to say thanks by supporting development purchasing one of these plugins.

I don't think others gave you a response based on the fact that you know where to find it, just not as a free plugin anymore because its developers decided so.

Offline lilom

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Re: Where find the plugin Account ?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2012, 03:55:20 AM »
Thank you for your answer. I didn't understand why the plugin was free last year and now just available in myroundcube.
Yes I could buy this plugin. I'm seriously thinking about it. This is normal for me to pay the open source's developers.

A question : Could I use my old version of the Account plugin ? not technical speaking but legaly ?

Thank again for your answer and your developpment.  ;)

Offline Yoni

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Re: Where find the plugin Account ?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2012, 05:07:57 AM »
You can freely use it as you please. If you have a previous version that works for you, feel free to use it to its fully extent. We are glad many Roundcubers do find value in these plugins :)

If you wish to stay current and if you would like to always have the latest code with bug fixes and the such, plus a way to allow end-users to manage plugins per-user level, maybe Plugin Manager is for you (optional). You are also free to use these plugins in as many servers as you own without having to pay for them separately.

From what I've seen (and I could be wrong), people tend to automatically associate prices with licensing, forgetting that those behind these plugins (as well as Roundcube Webmail development) are human beings just like you and me. I will strongly encourage everyone to support what we are doing by purchasing a plugin download and to also contribute with donations to Roundcube Webmail. There are users who can't afford to donate or pay for anything but that's also the vast minority. The reason why I dare so say this is because anyone out there looking to host their own webmail solution is incurring in some expenses one way or another. Either a VPS, a hosting provider or any other type of private infrastructure to start with, and the list could go and go. They then turn to Roundcube Webmail and never take the time to click the donate button even once and contribute with those who really put time and efforts into this sexy webmail. But hey! next month they have to pay for hosting or the VPS again, you know. You will also find those who will stand behind the curtains and bring up the "Open Source" philosophy and its history to justify their actions or the lack of any contribution therefor and that has become a norm for many.

At the end, your contribution motivates Roundcube Developers, our team and helps others in the process (  Do what you believe is right.

Offline lilom

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Re: Where find the plugin Account ?
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2012, 11:21:34 AM »
Thanks a lot again.
For your response et for the explination. I agree with you.  ;)