Author Topic: Serious hang when viewing HTML messages  (Read 3224 times)

Offline grpprod

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Serious hang when viewing HTML messages
« on: October 05, 2006, 05:28:32 PM »
Hi all,
I installed RoundCube together with the latest PHP,MySQL and Apache for a new webmail
server (My old IMP 3.1 works fine with PHP 4.2.2). Now I have a serious
problem which seems unsolved so far. At first I thought it was a Horde issue, but the same thing happens in RoundCube. In my case it occurs when I try to view HTML messages. Here are the versions:

CentOS 4.4
PHP 5.1.6
Apache 2.2.3
MySQL 5.0.24a
UW-IMAP 2004g
Latest RoundCube (OR Horde+IMP)

Problem description:
The problem occurs when opening certain messages from inside the
webmail interface (in IMP it happens also during logging in). Suddenly
CPU usage jumps at 99.5% and Apache hangs. For example, I tried to view
an HTML message with 4 photos attached. The browser stopped after
loading 3 out of 4 photos, and httpd CPU usage jumps at 99.5%. It can't
serve other clients. Only solution? To do a 'pkill' for the hung
process and then restart Apache.

Here is a 'top' output:

Code: [Select]
30400 apache  25  0 29560 16m 5152 R 33.2 3.2  0:20.54 /usr/local/apache223/bin/httpd -k start                
30406 apache  25  0 29316 15m 4928 R 33.2 3.1  0:19.34 /usr/local/apache223/bin/httpd -k start                
30404 apache  25  0 29580 15m 4932 R 32.9 3.1  0:19.30 /usr/local/apache223/bin/httpd -k start

I notice the following error to be logged, but I am not sure this has
something to do with the problem:

Code: [Select]
[Fri Oct 06 00:22:18 2006] [error] [client] PHP Warning: fgets() [function.fgets]: SSL: fatal protocol error in /usr/local/apache223/htdocs/roundcube/program/lib/ on line 130, referer: [url]http://server/roundcube/?_task=mail&_action=show&_uid=3757&_mbox=OLD%20-%20INBOX[/url]

Offline cashmere

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Re: Serious hang when viewing HTML messages
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 11:44:47 AM »
same problem, fix anyone?