Author Topic: Error 500 Internal Server Error  (Read 3878 times)

Offline oliverh

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Error 500 Internal Server Error
« on: March 10, 2007, 02:45:34 PM »

I just d/led roundcube_webmail_0.1-beta2.2 (latest ver) and adjusted the config files, added the mysql data to the db and when I go to the index, all I get is Error 500, internal server error. I'm not sure if I've edited the files wrong or what, but here's the info:

I'm hosted with
I've installed many blogs/cmses/calendars, etc etc before, all seem to work fine
Because of how they do things, my db is always as follows -
 host name:
 db: db####### (9 #s)
 user: dbo######
 pass: whatever

so I've got it configured as follows:


I've added the initial mysql file to the DB with no problems. When I try to execute the update mysql, I get:

SQL query:

-- RoundCube Webmail update script for MySQL databases
-- Updates from version 0.1-20051007

MySQL said:
#1060 - Duplicate column name 'ip'

Now, I haven't created a user/password in these tables, assuming my server (imap) will just request them when I try to login? That's where I'm at. I'm reasonably savvy (I do some PHP etc) so ask me whatever and I'll try to answer. I've tried various things, but am really pretty much stumped as to where to go from here.

FYI link to my phpinfo:

Offline oliverh

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Re: Error 500 Internal Server Error
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2007, 02:55:48 PM »
Okay, I fixed it. I wasn't expecting to see issues/troubleshooting in the General section of the forums, so I hadn't checked there - for some reason, it didn't show up on a search. Nonetheless, I saw I wasn't the only one having this issue when I saw this:

Anyway, I didn't bother with the mysql5 stuff. As the very helpful poster had suggested, I started commenting out my htaccess file, line by line. I discovered that (for whatever reason), ALL of these files need to be commented out:

# php_flag   display_errors   Off
# php_flag   log_errors   On
# php_value   error_log   logs/errors
# php_value   upload_max_filesize   2M

I tried them one by one, no go. It now seems to be working well, though I haven't yet tried sending mail. Thanks for being here, even though this time I got it myself... (fluke? ;)


Offline Stevie

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Re: Error 500 Internal Server Error
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 11:52:30 AM »
I wonder if your server has set PHP fags to be disabled so that you cannot change any PHP settings via the .htaccess file.

I'm not sure if this would cause an error though. I just thought it would ignore it.