Author Topic: Clicking on Folder Link doesn't do anything, right-clicking -> Open does.  (Read 14455 times)

Offline LucasG

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Quote from: vext
Found this on HostGeekZ from someone named Ahmed:

just comment the following code in index.php in cd /usr/local/cpanel/base/roundcube

like this:

// check client X-header to verify request origin
//if ($OUTPUT->ajax_call)
// if (empty($CONFIG['devel_mode']) && !rc_request_header('X-RoundCube-Referer'))
// {
// header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
// die("Invalid Request");
// }

It worked like a charm for me.

This is definitely a bug and commenting this part of the code definitely helped me solve the problem temporarily. Hopefully RoundCube devs will release a fix soon as it's something critical.

Offline jharris3434

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Update: Per guidance by a couple of the devs, I upgraded to 0.1 stable again, this time using the installer. That solved my problem.

Offline LucasG

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How did you do the installation?

Offline jharris3434

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Navigate (in your browser) to [rc]/installer/welcome.html, then follow the instructions.

Offline Azure

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The "commenting out" worked for me as well... Thanks!

Offline Penumbra

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Clicking on Folder Link doesn't do anything, right-clicking -> Open does.
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2009, 01:13:50 PM »
I just started seeing this problem as well, and the hack didn't work, nor did upgrading to the newest RC Release (0.2.1).

It seems to me, although this could be a red herring, that it began after my inbox grew past 900 unread messages.  

Which, for me, is normal.

When I used SquirrelMail - I had filters and the like setup to move my subscribed lists and daily incoming mail to numerous other folders (like .. well .. most email clients let you do [thunderbird, squirrelmail, outlook, xmail, elm, etc etc]).

Now that I don't have that ability - my inbox grows quite fast, and within a week easily expands past 1000 messages.

Is it possible the AJAX message is reaching a maximum length and bombing?

There are no errors in "logs/errors"

EDIT: More Information
I turned the debug console on, and now when the failure happens I can see what it does, but not why it does it.

When I click the "Inbox" - the return from the AJAX call is all wrong - it is returning the index page from my default host NOT the configured virtual host this application responds to.  I can replicate it by taking the HTTP Request that I see in the console and applying it to my webmail URL.  I tested this by reconfiguring my index.html on my default host with a simple page - which from the debug below we can see is being returned by AJAX.

Code: [Select]
HTTP request: ./?_task=mail&_action=list&_mbox=INBOX&_page=1&_refresh=1&_remote=1
<center><link rel=stylesheet href=
type=text/css media=screen /><script language=javascript
<script language=javascript>WriteBushCountdown()</script>

But, the very next thing I do is click another folder with far less information in it, and the response looks more normal:
Code: [Select]

HTTP request: ./?_task=mail&_action=list&_mbox=ham&_page=1&_refresh=1&_remote=1
/** ajax response [30/Apr/2009 01:21:33 -0400] **/
this.set_pagetitle('**Scrubbed** :: ham');
this.set_rowcount('Messages 1 to 1 of 1');
this.add_message_row('1',{from:'Amy Goodman<\/span>',subject:'[SPAM] Democracy Now! Needs You<\/a>',date:'12.12.2007 20:22',size:'100 KB'},{deleted:0,unread:0,replied:0,forwarded:0,flagged:0},1,0);

This tells me that either 1 of 2 things is going on.  Either Apache forgets how to forward requests to a virtual host when RoundCube has a large list to transfer (unlikely) or -- When RoundCube tries to refresh a very large list - it fails, and the result is a forward to something that does NOT correspond to my virtual host (which is only causing the refresh to fail.

Please advise.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 01:42:01 PM by Penumbra »

Offline Penumbra

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Quote from: Penumbra;18834

This tells me that either 1 of 2 things is going on.  Either Apache forgets how to forward requests to a virtual host when RoundCube has a large list to transfer (unlikely) or -- When RoundCube tries to refresh a very large list - it fails, and the result is a forward to something that does NOT correspond to my virtual host (which is only causing the refresh to fail.

Well - I went into my inbox (when I could see it) and took the machete to a ton of messages - and POOF it started working again.

But now - a week later, my inbox is beyond what it was when I had issues - yet my mailbox works fine.  This leaves me to wonder  -- what if there's a bad message title that has values that cause the AJAX call to fizzle?  If that's true - it seems that this could cause a hole that a savvy hacker could exploit - and thus should be high on your list for fixing.

Is RoundCube currently being developed still?  
Are the developers active on the forums?  
Do they read the issues forum? - as I've noted a marked lack of response here.


Offline nub4life

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I too am getting the same error. I looked through my error log and I kept getting this error:

[12-May-2009 13:10:01 -0400] DB Error: _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
[Last executed query: PREPARE mdb2_statement_mysql_5e49978c06074e681893cd996840907cde1215cc5 FROM 'UPDATE cache\n         SET    created=now(), data=?\n         WHERE  user_id=?\n         AND    cache_key=?']
[Native code: 2006]
[Native message: MySQL server has gone away]
 in /roundcube/program/include/rcube_mdb2.php on line 255 (GET /roundcube/?_task=mail&_action=getunread&_remote=1)
[12-May-2009 13:10:01] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method rcube_json_output::template_exists() in /roundcube/program/steps/ on line 99

The inability to click anything only seems to happen once in awhile, which makes me think that roundcube is doing something in the background. The mailbox does have a lot of emails, but they are not in the inbox. There are a lot of folders (around 50), and it is in a nested structure.

I tried the hack and it didn't work. Anyone got any ideas? I'm using google apps.