Author Topic: Anyone help with a New Install on server  (Read 3584 times)

Offline lochnet

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Anyone help with a New Install on server
« on: May 11, 2008, 10:54:08 AM »
Hi Everyone,

I have just started out as a mini isp leasing a dedicated server running Ubuntu Linux version 6 server.

I have had a very little experience with Linux but thought it would be the best option for mail and web hosting due to better security and reliability .

However I really need to install a decent web mail client and came across Roundcube but the problem is I do not have a clue where to start, and I know there are a few installation instructions out there but I cant seem to find anything that is for an absolute beginner.

Can anyone show me to a decent site where instructions are very very clear and step by step, or is there anyone out there that can install it for me, or for me to call on the phone and go through it over the phone.

Many thanks I hope that someone can help out as it's pretty important to get something installed asap for my new clients.

Kind Regards

Offline gbainbridge

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Installing Roundcube
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 07:48:20 AM »
I'm no expert, but having just installed it myself onto a disk server perhaps I can help.

The basic installation is simply to copy the whole unzipped directory into your web server. In my case I changed the directory name to 'webmail' rather than the original directory name.

You can then access the program by typing where '' is the domain name of your server and 'foldername' is the name that you have given to the directory that you copied.

Of course it will not work yet as you have to set up the parameters.

With a text editor open the file main.include.php.dist within the config directory inside your webmail directory.

Change the relevant lines in the file e.g.

// the mail host chosen to perform the log-in
// leave blank to show a textbox at login, give a list of hosts
// to display a pulldown menu or set one host as string.
// To use SSL connection, enter ssl://hostname:993
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'YOUR IMAP SERVER';


// use this host for sending mails.
// to use SSL connection, set ssl://
// if left blank, the PHP mail() function is used
$rcmail_config['smtp_server'] = 'YOUR SMTP SERVER';

// SMTP port (default is 25; 465 for SSL)
$rcmail_config['smtp_port'] = 25;

// SMTP username (if required) if you use %u as the username RoundCube
// will use the current username for login
$rcmail_config['smtp_user'] = 'YOUR SMTP USER NAME';

// SMTP password (if required) if you use %p as the password RoundCube
// will use the current user's password for login
$rcmail_config['smtp_pass'] = 'YOUR SMTP PASSWORD';

and resave in the same directory renaming it to

alternatively there is a wizard which will guide you through this on first accessing the program.

If you now try and access Roundcube you will get an error telling you that it can't find the database. That is more complex. You need to open mySql via the console and create a database for roundcube to use. For this I used phpMyAdmin (search for it on the internet) which enabled me to open mySql and create an empty database with the same name as my folder; in this case 'webmail'.

From then onwards Roundcube worked.

Of course all the above assumes that PHP and mySql are already installed and working on the server. In my case they were already installed on the disk server when I purchased it.

Note that like you I am running roundcube on an external server, rather than a PC that I can access directly.
