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How to show all folders by default?

Started by oslad, July 02, 2006, 07:56:06 AM

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How to show all folders by default?
Is there a option in or other place?



What do you mean by show all folders by default? They are showed by default :S


Quote from: flosoft What do you mean by show all folders by default? They are showed by default :S

im using cvs-20060413, by default, it's show Inbox only, every user need adjust the option in "settings >> folder" when first log in.

is these option value save to DB or cookie?


Try to upgrade to a SVN Version.
There it works normally.


sorry, cvs-20060505 won't work correctly as cvs-20060413, every folder is empty!



if you want to show all the folders by default, you should do this:

edit the file : roundcubemail/program/include/
in line 464
else if ($CONFIG['auto_create_user'])  
  $user_id = rcmail_create_user($user, $host);

Just add these two statements befere $user_id = rcmail_create_user($user, $host);
$IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], TRUE);
$IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], TRUE);

it should look like this:
 else if ($CONFIG['auto_create_user'])
  $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], TRUE);
  $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], TRUE);

  $user_id = rcmail_create_user($user, $host);

If you do this, now any new user login will see the all folders by default but not an existing user.

That's it.

Best wishes. :)


Quote from: redrose it should look like this:
 else if ($CONFIG['auto_create_user'])
  $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['sent_mbox'], TRUE);
  $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG['trash_mbox'], TRUE);

  $user_id = rcmail_create_user($user, $host);

If you do this, now any new user login will see the all folders by default but not an existing user.

but it will only show "sent" and "trash" folders? i using webcyradm, and create user with "Sent","Draft","Trash","Junk" folders.


you can make any folders you wish just add another string with whatever name you want.


maybee he is meaning the same problem as I have.
I have quite some amount of folders but by default I am not subscribed to the folders.
I didn't find any seting that would allow me to show all folders not only subscribed ones.
and I realy don't want to sit in front of the folder screen and click an all folders to subscribe to them (I think there are more then 100)