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Compose Message -> No Send...

Started by brownrl, May 29, 2007, 06:32:13 AM

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Has something with the indentities table been change recently? I goto compose with the new release candidate and the identities are not there and instead a blank select box is shown...?

Does this lead to messages not being sent out?

I have two versions running using the same db:

1. RC-1
2. pre RC

The older one works ok but has that nasty timeout issue with IE clients.

The new one doesn't have that timeout issue but it can't send and I think its the identities _from rcmcomposefrom thing in the code.

Can this be verified?

Thanks in Advance,


I have the exact same problem of not being able to send mail, the identities drop down does not get filled in.


I had the same problem after i upgraded the webmail. It's a small mistake in de SQL upgrade script. You can fix it by simply adding a column to your database.

Go to the "identities" table.

Add the following column:
 `html_signature` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',

After this modification, you're identies will be back in the dropdown menu



I had the same problem, I already did what you suggested here..then its working the sending message is appear.. opss... suddently. 'Failed to Send'..error

I don't know what happened.. mine now using CPanel 11.. before this CPanel10 nothing problem..

hope someone can help me..



I had the same problem with mysql5

After I install it on mysql4 "identities" work.