Roundcube Community Forum


Black Theme with preview pane!

Started by euptech, June 04, 2007, 12:10:18 PM

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Well, I have been wanting a black theme forever so I made this one with RC1. As the description says it has the preview pane included! If you've been looking for a black theme here you go....

Download it here!



If you like this theme and use it let me know! that way I know if I should develop more or update it if new revisions of RC come out. I havent tracked the download so give me a shout here....



I'm going to test this theme later on today, its exactly what I've been waiting for (Haven't been here for a few months)

One thing I do notice from the screenshot is one of the images has white around the edges making it look out of style. (I can sort this out and send you a replacement if you wish)


Would be appreciated :)... I was originally going to work on an icon set but I was distracted otherwise.. but always good help is welcome


this is exactly what I need ... ;D

Great job bro... O0 O0 O0 O0
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