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Multiple Domains Login

Started by coolant, July 25, 2006, 11:13:01 PM

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In my setup I have multiple domains

which are all redirected through apache mod_rewrite to

"" etc.

Added these lines to
$tempDomain = explode( "/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 3);  # "3" is a limit of the array, never need more.
$tempDomain = array_reverse( explode( ".", $tempDomain[1] ) );
$rcmail_config['username_domain'] = $tempDomain[1].".".$tempDomain[0];

$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] returns "/"
explode by "/" then returns an array :
[ 0] => ""
[1] => ""
[2] => the rest... because of the limit of 3

then explode [1] by "." returns
[ 0] => "mail"
[1] => "domain1"
[2] => "com"

array is reversed to support other configs like "//" which is common.


I have a setup with a dropdown for a few domains, now I want to change to the smtp server instead of PHP. If I put in a snmp server it works okay, but as I use multiple domains I created a array. This however does not work.

$rcmail_config['default_host'] = array(
 '' => '',
 '' => ''

$rcmail_config['username_domain'] = array(
 '' => '',
 '' => ''

$rcmail_config['mail_domain'] = $rcmail_config['username_domain'];

$rcmail_config['smtp_server'] = '';


If I chance this it will not let me sent.

$rcmail_config['smtp_server'] = array(
 '' => '',
 '' => ''

What do I need to change?
Eddie would go !


I contributed a patch to the devs for multiple SMTP servers. If you grab the latest trunk (although currently the SVN server is down :() you should be able to do exactly as you have done. But if you downloaded the 0.1-rc1 it is not included.


I have seen that in the user-entry in the data is a field called "mail_host".

Is it possible to create a login only with username (or alias) and password and the script lookup for the "mail_host" and continue with RC?

So it would be easy to login with multiple mail servers.



You mean like a VirtUser file? Roundcube supports those already. I don't know how to use them, but it seems like what you want.


No. I don' want to use a edited file on the server. I'd like to use the main functions and tables of RC.


Username: email-adress -> stored in alias in the database, instead of the username (could also the username if someone likes it)
Password: Password
Server: leave blank or hidden field

On the login process the RC-script should lookup in table users for the entry "mail_host" and set the variable to the value of the database entry and connect to the mail-server. So there is no extra file necessary. RC have the information but didn't use it.


If the server is blank or hidden, then it can only be one server (as per RC file). Otherwise a drop-down is shown for multiple servers, or a blank input box for user-defined servers.

So in that case, you can just have them use their username (without the "@domain.tld" portion) and define the domain to append to the username in the file and they can log in that way.


Hi Brett,

i know those two options. But I suggest an idea of an third option if you re-read my posting. I can't programming this in cgi, but maybe can someone program it.


I'll just add my 2 cents here. This works fine for us with multiple domains:
we have mail.***.com domains pointing to one rc install. This hack works
like: if the domain has a prefix "mail" then it get's rid of the server part and
@domain part in login. if no "mail" prefix found it displays the standard login
form where you have to type in everything:

in config/ add this:
function getDomain() {
if ($arr[0]==$prefix) { unset($arr[0]); $host=implode('.',$arr); }
else { $host=''; }
return $host;

and modify the following 2 config lines:
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = getDomain();$rcmail_config['username_domain'] = getDomain();
Hope this is helps for someone,


TommyER: You might look at the source-code to Roundcube. A virtual user query is what you need. I'm not 100% sure how to do it, but I know it can be done (as others on here have done before).


I'm slightly confused on how to configure the options for my setup. I am using postfix with virtual domains and roundcube is on the same server. The server is behind NAT so I currently have the following set

$rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'localhost';

When logging in the user has to type the full I want a dropdown of domains available, but no matter the domain choice it needs to use localhost for the default_host. Otherwise unless I hard code each domain with the public IP into my hosts file the request will go out to the router through NAT and back, which ties up CPU cycles on the router.

Seems simple but I have a feeling this isn't possible. As the host is used to link the username_domain to default_host to append the correct domain name.


Not possible right now as each array key for the domains has to be different, and since they'll all be "localhost" you can only have one.

What you could do is manually add in the template a drop-down box and set all the values to localhost.....


Is it possible to strip the domain from the user and use that as the server to save the user having to enter the domain twice for example:

Server (automatically taken from the address that user entered)

Server (automatically taken from the address that user entered)


Yes it's possible, but you'd have to modify the source in the login functions to do so.


I should have had a better look anyway I've now replaced line 500 of

$host = isset($_POST['_host']) ? get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST) : $CONFIG['default_host'];


$usersplit = explode('@', get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
 $host = $usersplit[1];

and it now seems to work a treat does exactly what I needed