Author Topic: Roundcube with Sabre + CalDav on Windows with IIS  (Read 3976 times)

Offline Konmax

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Roundcube with Sabre + CalDav on Windows with IIS
« on: January 01, 2015, 06:47:32 AM »
Hi All,

I need to setup a webmail + calendar + caldav support on a windows box and I found Roundcube on the web which looks really great and it seems to have all the modules which we need.

I managed to install roundcube webmail and I can already login to my mail account. What I'm missing so far is some kind of an admin login page? Does this exist and if so, what is the login URL and what credentials do I have to use? Or do I need to give my user admin rights using the config?

About the calendar:
Now I have a few questions as I got stock with the calendar setup. I tried to follow this how-to but I failed with the step to install sabre:

When I download Sabre, there is no index.php in the zip like it is shown in the screen shots of the previous link which seems to be strange. Also, the screen shots mention something called phpMyAdmin (I'm new to php, so please be do kill me for asking this). Do I need to install this separately?

Also, it seems like I need to install roundcube plugins to use the calendar and cardav/caldav. Is that so and if yes, how can I do that?

Can somebody help me to setup roundcube mail together with SabreDav and the calendar + contact plugins?

Thanks a lot for your support!
