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Auto User Email Creation

Started by tuney, July 28, 2006, 09:12:11 AM

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Thank you Tuney for your excellent work.I have the same problem with the newest version of rc.The code in the installation that starts with // MAIL is not to be found in the file, without adding this line of code as specified in the install the admin does not work a big bummer.The auto account creation works perfect and also the password recovery .I did find the same line of code in the $OUTPUT->add_handlers(array ( 'mailboxlist' => 'rcmail_mailbox_list', ) in the I tried to add it there but still no luck.Anybody maybe know how we can change it to get it working.

Thank you.


Well, I have a a way to go to the ACP. Just edit the file:


Look for this:
   $apv = "0";

change it to:

   $apv = "1";

Next, make an .htaccess file to protect the directory. Now all you have to do is pass the .htaccess file and you can access the ACP!


how do i create a .htaccess file?

sorry abt this... I quite new to this.

also, can anyone help me on this?
I am getting the following error after i click install.

QuoteWarning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'my database username'@'' (using password: YES) in /****/public_html/roundcube/emsu/install/do_install.php on line 87
I cannot connect to the database because: Access denied for user 'mydatabaseusername'@'' (using password: YES)

how can i solve this? :-[


if you do mysql -u mydatabaseusername -p (enter) at a command line, do you get a password prompt, and once you've put the password in can you do "use (roundcubedatabasename);" (enter), "show tables;" and get results? Replace (roundcubedatabasename) with the name of your roundcube database, and I'm assuming that the host part is set to the hostname of the system you're accessing the database from ie. where your Roundcube install is, and that yuo can test this on same system's command line.

If it logs you in but wont let you do anything wiht the data, then "grant all on (roundcubedatabasename).* to 'mydatabaseusername'@'hostname' identified by 'password', making the substitutions for hostname, password etc.

what o/s are you on?


hi, while trying to make the signup for email to work, after i click Submit, i get this message:
Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home2/adamsev/public_html/mail/emsu/signup.php on line 85

Warning: fopen("a=15) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home2/adamsev/public_html/mail/emsu/signup.php on line 85

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/adamsev/public_html/mail/emsu/signup.php on line 90

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/adamsev/public_html/mail/emsu/signup.php on line 91

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/adamsev/public_html/mail/emsu/signup.php on line 90

Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/adamsev/public_html/mail/emsu/signup.php on line 91

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/adamsev/public_html/mail/emsu/signup.php on line 90
 and it continues and continues

if i put my ipadress of cPanel ( Its a shared one) then it doesnt connect but when i put '' then it does work but always tells me this problem.

Can someone please help!



I apologise,

But i was not able to understand how the humans alone can be read.


hi again, sorry forget about that problem, the only problem i get now, is after going to ..../emsu/install.....after filling in all of the blank spaces, i get this message: 'Invalid Default Value for 'activated' '


Hello to everybody,

I want to ask you More auto emails creation had happened for SVN.


Will this work in a PLESK environment?


No this work not work in PLESK environment, only on cpanel. :(


Hmm, I'm going to try and modify it to work with my server as I don't run panels since the server(s) (are) (is) two feet away from me. ;)


Hi everyone

I dont find the script to download. Anyone cant sent it to me??




I have trouble at the facility and they exist :


can this be used with h-sphere control panels? If so what needs to be changed to allow this? (with the install it requires a login ip and port for cpanel, hsphere does not have this at least none that I have ever used).