Roundcube Community Forum


Calendar, contacts etc

Started by dextros, March 05, 2015, 12:38:00 PM

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HI Guys

I have been trying to set up up Roundcube as a replacement for a client who uses Exchange and wants to move away from it. Roundcube is very nice, and once I get everything working will even be purchasing the Outlook skin :)

I couldn't get this working on 1.0.5 either. I have just transferred over to a new dedi server, and am running ISPconfig.

I have bought credits again, and redownloaded everything, as I didn't want to taint anything from the old server.  I am now on 1.1

Can someone give me a rough breakdown of the steps I need to share contacts and calendars between virtual email users. 

I have Calendar & Calendar Plus. Caldav and Caldav Plus. Do I need to so something with Sabre also?

I am using mysql and using the plugin manager to control plugins.

Kind Regards



Just to be clear the MyRoundcube project is not part of or related to the Roundcube project. You should ask them directly for support.



Thank you very much, and apologies!