Release Support > Resolved Issues

Sending emails doesn't work


I'm having troubles sending emails. It always fails with this in the log files:
SMTP Error: SMTP error: No From address has been provided in D:\roundcube\program\steps\mail\ on line 334

I don't know why it's giving me this error? I have logged in using my email address, password and host. Below is my config:
$rcmail_config['smtp_server'] = '';
$rcmail_config['smtp_port'] = 25;
$rcmail_config['smtp_user'] = '%u';
$rcmail_config['smtp_pass'] = '%p';

To test if my SMTP settings are correct, in program/includes/ I commented the code below just to see if my email would be sent:
 // exit if no from address is given
// if (!isset($from))
//  {
//  smtp_reset();
//  $response[] .= "No From address has been provided";
//  return FALSE;
//  }

After doing this my email was sent but from "Nobody ". Why is my from info being lost?

If you go to settings then identities is there anything listed?

Ah you are correct, this was the problem. As simple as this is, it's really hard to expect users to fill out the identities section. I think a good way for this to work is the first time a user signs in, they are prompted with a page to fill out their settings and preferences, which would include the crutial piece of having identity information.

Yes well it auto makes it at the first loin but some time it dn't work right.


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