Author Topic: LDAP Addressbook bad performance  (Read 2927 times)

Offline zuki

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LDAP Addressbook bad performance
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:01:04 AM »
we have 2 seperate Servers (4Cores,8GB Ram,RH 7.2, php 5.4.16,apache 2.4.6) behind a loadbalancer, the smtp,imap servers are seperated and also loadbalanced. We have a bad performance if we test with 1000 concurrent users (200 use address book( loadbalanced multimaster openLDAP ), 200 mail compose, 200 refresh inbox, 200 read mail, 200 idle (only logged in)). The response times goes up to 5 seconds in this scenario.

We updated from roundcubemail-0.8.5 to roundcubemail-1.1.4. With roundcubemail-0.8.5 we got much better response times (max. 200ms) with the same test scenario and the same ldap servers.
With autocomplete_addressbooks off and ldap sizelimit=50 (instead of 500) the response times is not much better (4,5sec).
If we dont use the addressbook with 1.1.4 we also only got 1,5 sec responce times. So the performance between this version is more than 10 times wores.

What possibilities do we have to analyse and correct this issue? Do you need more informations?

Thank you for your help!

Offline alec

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Re: LDAP Addressbook bad performance
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 03:17:22 AM »
There was a lot of changes in the framework (i.e. PDO vs. MDB2) since 0.8, but 10x worse result is really unexpected. Are you testing with any external plugins? Did you test 0.9 and 1.0 (just to see when it slowed down)? Could you provide your config?

Offline zuki

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Re: LDAP Addressbook bad performance
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2016, 08:33:08 AM »
after talking to our testing team there is no more thing to do, because they choose a to high count of concurrent user which make their actions without a break. Now they have choose a better testing scenario and we have to stop working on to analyse this deeper.

Thank you for your time and this great software!
