Author Topic: RoundCube v 0.1rc2 and MySQL in Strict Mode  (Read 3401 times)

Offline sylvain

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RoundCube v 0.1rc2 and MySQL in Strict Mode
« on: November 23, 2007, 06:02:39 PM »
I'm currently using Round Cube 0.1rc2 and I'm getting some error that is caused, I think, by my MySQL server that is in Strict Mode.

When I first logged in, everything seems fine. But when you write a message for the first time, no identities were created (and no "From:" is set to the mail). In the error log, I get this error :

Code: [Select]
[23-Nov-2007 17:12:17 -0500] DB Error: DB Error: unknown error Query: INSERT INTO identities (user_id, del, standard, name, email) VALUES (1, 0, 1, '', '') [nativecode=1364 ** Field 'signature' doesn't have a default value] in /var/www/ on line 505

I get another error like that when I try to insert a contact with the recipients of my mail :

Code: [Select]
[23-Nov-2007 17:20:46 -0500] DB Error: DB Error: unknown error Query: INSERT INTO contacts (user_id, changed, del, `name`, `email`) VALUES ('1', now(), 0, 'Losamigos', '') [nativecode=1364 ** Field 'vcard' doesn't have a default value] in /var/www/ on line 505

I use the mysqli extension with PHP5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.22 on Ubuntu 6.06.
To set MySQL in STRICT MODE, I set


in the [mysqld] section of the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf)

Overall, I'm really impressed of your software