Author Topic: RoundCube wont login and goes to blank 500 page  (Read 4822 times)

Offline alimaserrat

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RoundCube wont login and goes to blank 500 page
« on: October 29, 2016, 02:11:44 PM »
I'm getting problem, after migration of Cpanel from our old server to new Centos 6, our client with SSL can't login at their subdomain of: https://webmail.*****.net

we use to have roundcube on and which was ssl enabled. however the page loads, but when you click login it goes to blank page. I have tried to login in and then select roundcube and that works just fine.

after login the page goes to blank page with 500 error. the following is the log and i'm sure i have the right user and pass..

[2016-10-28 23:40:41 -0700] info [cpsrvd] - ali@***.net "POST /login/?login_only=1 HTTP/1.1" FAILED LOGIN webmaild: user password incorrect
[2016-10-28 23:41:41 -0700] info [cpsrvd] - "POST /login/?login_only=1 HTTP/1.1" FAILED LOGIN webmaild: user password incorrect
[2016-10-28 23:41:47 -0700] info [cpsrvd] -"POST /login/?login_only=1 HTTP/1.1" FAILED LOGIN webmaild: user password incorrect
[2016-10-28 23:42:11 -0700] info [cpsrvd] - ali@***.net "POST /login/?login_only=1 HTTP/1.1" FAILED LOGIN webmaild: user password incorrect

Offline alimaserrat

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Re: RoundCube wont login and goes to blank 500 page
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2016, 03:37:45 PM »
Guys, I finally got this fixed, Writing the solution here for anyone else that has the issue.

The mbstring wasn't enabled on apache, so I used the following step to fix the issue:



You can access EasyApache by going to the Software section of WHM and clicking on EasyApache. Command-line folks can just use /scripts/easyapache.

If you're asked to update, do so then come back to this screen. Updates often contain enhancements to allow EasyApache to support updated technologies.

On the first screen ("1. Profile"), select "Previously Saved Config (** DEFAULT **)" and then click on "Start customizing based on profile."

This setting will display your current settings throughout the rest of the EasyApache interface. This way you don't need to lookup what your current configuration is, you just change the items you want to have changed (e.g. adding mbstring support to PHP)

Continue clicking "Next" until you get to "5. Short Options List" then click "Exhaustive Options List" at the bottom of the page.

Under PHP, check the checkbox for "Mbstring" then click "Save and Build"

Follow any further on-screen instructions that appear.

The cool thing about EasyApache is that it will ensure everything will work before attempting to apply it to your server. In the relatively rare event that something fails, your current configuration is restored and you will be prompted to allow us to investigate what happened so we can resolve the issue.