SVN Releases > Issues & Bugs

Roundcube won't show messages after loading Kolab Calendar plugin

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When I add "calendar" to config['plugins'] =  on roundcube 
roundcube won't show messages on the preview pane or open them on a window..

any help will be appreciated!

Check the Roundcube error log for more information

I check the errors log and this message is multiple times as I been activating and deactivating the plugin many times,

[12-Nov-2016 18:53:28 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Sabre\VObject\Property\Text' not found in /opt/roundcube/plugins/libcalendaring/libvcalendar.php on line 1386

Hi all, I'm also seeing this bug.

Analysis of the logs shows the same thing satvader is seeing. 

I've tried to comb through the code to track down what's going on but cannot figure it out.  Saw this with both roundcube 1.3.0 and 1.3.3.  Server is Unbuntu 16.04 / Apache 2

Tried the following and still no dice:

FIXED!!! (for me, anyway).

My system contains some components that were manually installed rather than via install scripts.  I knew this was probably somehow causing the problems.

I stumbled onto this article and tried mbadici's approach but it quickly became an endless cycle of trying to include some other file.  then I got some PHP fatal errors related to missing interfaces which could not easily be solved by just including another file.  a new approach was needed, but I liked the train of thought.

Anyway, to fix this issue I followed the installation instructions for sabre here:

specifically, the line that says "To use it, just unzip it and include the autoload.php file in the vendor/ directory."

So, I just had to add a line at the top of my "<roundcube_installation_path>/plugins/libcalendaring/libvcalendar.php" to included this autoload.php file and the problem was solved.  yay


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