Roundcube Community Forum


Anybody familiar with dbconfig?

Started by bitman, January 03, 2008, 04:04:59 AM

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I just installed RoundCube from the Ubuntu repository, version 0.1~rc1~dfsg-2. The installer script appears to use a Debian tool "dbconfig-common", which asks appropriate questions of the user (where's the db server, db name, user, and password), then creates the necessary user, database, and tables.

But it doesn't work for me. When I first installed RoundCube I didn't get asked any questions; when I enter "dpkg-reconfigure roundcube" I get the questions, but it never asks for the root password, so it fails to create the database. When I select 'retry', it doesn't; it simply writes the updated config files and exits.

This might more properly be an Ubuntu question, but they lack proper web forums, and Googling has turned up nothing useful for dbconfig.

So .. anybody know how to make this work?


Still no clue what the problem is .. dbconfig docs imply that only the roundcube account is needed, not root, and yet it's trying to do something with root (and failing, since it's not asking for the root password.)

So I just created everything by hand. For reference, the Debian package leaves the table creation SQL scripts here:
