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Saving Emails with attachments

Started by blacky65, January 10, 2008, 01:50:10 PM

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my question is, how could I save my complette mails with the included attachments ?
I exported the mysql database, but I can't find the attachments in the csv-file.

So I searched my installation folder, but there I couldn't find anything.

Is there a chanche to make a backup of my complete mails.

Best regards




Hello Rudy,

thx, it's great. O0
I tested it and it works fine.
The best option is to create a batch-file.
I placed it in the WinXP startup folder,
so it works automaticly every reboot.

Best regards



You're welcome. :) I actually moved all my imap accounts to a new server with this little useful piece of software.
Btw, would you mind providing the batch file for everyone? I'm using Mac OS X but I'm sure that it might be helpful for other people.


Hello again ;)

I copied the follwing text from the IMAPSize website.
Have fun, it works really great.

I installed the programm in C:\Program Files\IMAPSize

Command line Backups

IMAPSize allows you to perform backups invoked from the command line.
This enables you to run IMAP backups from a script. You have to provide the -backup switch
and specify the account you wish to backup as the parameter of the -account switch.
For example, to backup an account named "test_account", you would invoke it like this:

imapsize -backup -account=test_account


  • If you want to backup multiple accounts, you should invoke one command for each account.
  • In order to perform a backup from the command line for a specific account, the list of folders to backup has to be specified.
This is done automatically if you have already performed a backup from the IMAPSize UI.
Alternatively, you can specify these with the "Save Folders" option in the Account Backup dialog.
  • he log of command line backups is stored as "bak" entries in imapsize.log. You can check them by doing grep "bak " imapsize.log
or if you have Unix tools installed, you can monitor the progress of the backup with tail -f imapsize.log | grep "bak "

Best regards
