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New Plugin: CalDAVZap

Started by Loguithat1955, November 23, 2017, 03:31:22 AM

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I didn't understand what you have changed now... Have you changed the CORS headers of "external" NextCloud servers, or have you changed the local nginx to serve the external Nextcloud URL as local path? If you setup the local proxy setup, you didn't need to change the CORS headers, because its served now as a local path and this isn't any more a crossdomain setup... which makes everything a lot easier.


I changed headers of Nextcloud server., which uses nginx..

For information :

I downloaded and installed the quite last version (0.13.1) but that does not work yet.
Worse even: the plugins does not appear.
Before, I had the icon "calendar". Now, nothing more, or even in the parameters of roundcube (list of plugins)...



As i mentioned before, i don't know if a crossdomain setup does really work with CalDAVZap. When you only changed the headers of the nextcloud server, you have now also a crossdomain setup. But you see this in the webconsole. the should be a note, if it is detected as crossdomain or not. You should really try the proxy setup. It's a lot easier to deal with non-crossdomain-setups.

When you say, you installed a version 0.13.1, i assume, you mean CalDAVZap? How have you installed it? Just overwrite the 0.13.2 folder? Or a new folder? Have you changed the path in the config? Are there error messages? Have you any logfiles? Any output in Webconsole? Have you disabled all other plugins to test if the problem comes from other plugins? What plugins are activated currently?


Quote from: Loguithat1955 on January 19, 2018, 03:04:00 AM
As i mentioned before, i don't know if a crossdomain setup does really work with CalDAVZap. When you only changed the headers of the nextcloud server, you have now also a crossdomain setup. But you see this in the webconsole. the should be a note, if it is detected as crossdomain or not. You should really try the proxy setup. It's a lot easier to deal with non-crossdomain-setups.

I don't see any note in the webconsole.

When you say, you installed a version 0.13.1, i assume, you mean CalDAVZap? How have you installed it? Just overwrite the 0.13.2 folder? Or a new folder? Have you changed the path in the config? Are there error messages? Have you any logfiles? Any output in Webconsole? Have you disabled all other plugins to test if the problem comes from other plugins? What plugins are activated currently?

Yes, it's CalDAVZap that I installed the last version.
I deleted old folder and place the new folder.
In webmail erros log I found "AH01382: Request header read timeout", but with our without caldavzap plugin activate.
I tried without all plugins activate : same error...
I tried without all plugins except caldavzap : same error and no calendar icon ==> no problem with other plugins...

But I saw that I have say you bad explain...  ::)
I retry ton explain how roundcube works :
- roundcube folder is on a NAS folder, mounted with NFS on my Raspberry
- roundcube URL goes to my Raspberry, and not to my NAS...
Roundcube works with apache and not nginx... Only Nextcloud works with nginx on my NAS...
I modified vhost configuration to put good headers...

But that changes anything !!!

I would like trying use proxy but I don't know how to do.
I must modify apache configuration but how ?


Personally, i use also a Raspberry Pi. But in my case for both: Roundcube and the calendar. But Nextcloud is so slow on a Raspberry Pi... they make some unneeded I/O things and some SQL requests which are really complicated. This slows down the whole process. But since Nextcloud is completely based on SabreDAV, i use the pure SabreDAV which is a lot faster. However, both are on the Raspberry Pi. SabreDAV and Roundcube are delivered only in different directories. The Webserver on the Pi is Nginx, since Apache is not the best solution for the Pi, because the memory management is meant more for bigger machines.

It's a long time since i last used Apache. However you should search for "reverse proxy apache" at Google, to get the right tips to set this up. on apache. Or you change Apache against Nginx / PHP7.0-FPM on the Raspberry Pi.


I began my architecture with Roundcube and Nextcloud on distinct Raspberry.
Then, I bought a Synology NAS and I installed Nextcloud above.

As I have only little greedy sites on my Raspberrys, Apache is widely sufficient. But is especially less complicated to configure that Nginx.

So I don't want to change Apache for Nginx on my Raspberry.

I searched "reverse proxy apache" and I found how to. I tried to configure Apache but it doesn't work. But I'm not sure that I have the good configuration.


Yes, that was my first opinion to, after switching from Apache to Nginx years ago. In the meantime I find Nginx a lot easier, even if one or two options are missing. But most of the time there are simple workarounds and again things that Nginx can do more and better than Apache. Anyway, that's certainly a matter of personal habit.

Unfortunately, I've been out of practice at Apache for a long time now. I would therefore recommend that you check in a special server forum or Apache forum.

BTW: For Plugin questions, i think its better to report Issues at the Github. I do not read really often here.


I created a issue.

Wait and see !!!



No more help by github issue.
He tells me that it is a nginx problem, not plugin problem. He does'nt help me more. Thank's guy !!! And he closed the issue !!!  :o :o

So, I searched a lot of informations to have a good configuration for reverse proxy with Apache, to have a good configuration with Nginx for receiving proxy request AND I have resolved my reverse proxy problem. It's works now !!!

So, happy, I tried the plugin....
==> Don't work !!!

But I don't know how configure the plugin. The readme isn't rather explicit. It explain than we can use differents variables but don't show an example.

The question is : which variable I have to use, and how I must configure it !!!
??? ???


1) This is a Javascript application.  So, the calendar data transfer occurs between the user's web browser, and the calendar server itself; in your case, between whatever web browser you use, and your Nextcloud server.  When an application on one server wants your browser to access resources on another server, this presents a major security problem.  This is known as XSS, or Cross-Site Scripting.  All major web browsers prohibit this today.  Firefox has a Developer under Settings -> Web Developer -> Web Console.  Chrome has the same thing under Tools -> Developer Tools.  These consoles will display XSS, and any other, errors.
2) A Proxy Server is just another potential work-around around for this problem.   In the plugin configuration, you would program in your local webserver address  for the CalDAV server address.  Your proxy server forwards the requests to the actual CalDAV (NextCloud) server.   So to your end-user Web Browser, everything looks like its coming and going to the same server (Roundcube).
3) If you wish to post a question here requesting configuration information, then do so.  But as you can see, this is a new plugin that doesn't have a lot of active installations yet.  You will probably get better support from Synology.   Synology is a commercial product; you should expect to get good service from them.
4) Your expectations are unreasonable.  The developer's job is to make a working plugin with Roundcube.  That is all.  It is not his/her job to tell you how to configure it for OwnCloud, PureCloud, NextCloud, or WhoEversCloud.  It is not his/her job to tell you how to configure it for Apache 2.2, Apache 2.4, Apache Whatever, NGINX, LightHTTP, Node.js, IIS, or anything else.  The plug-in works fine.  It is very good.  There is no reason to insult the developer.


Quote from: telecom2k3 on February 16, 2018, 01:50:58 PM


When and where have I say that I had asked for help to configure Nextcloud or other?  :o
When we do not know the volume of an exchange (on Github) we do not make remarks, thank you.  ;)

I had simply asked him how to configure HIS PLUGINS, nothing more!!!
Then, this kind of answer, in others, thank you well!!!

Anyway, problem settled for me: I uninstalled this plugin because I had no help to its configuration on behalf of the developer.
Thus closed subject!!!