Author Topic: enigma gpg - no pinentry  (Read 2744 times)

Offline HonkXL

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enigma gpg - no pinentry
« on: June 06, 2019, 04:11:58 AM »
I have the problem that gpg is not working. I imported my PGP-keys to the enigma plugin (this worked). When I receive a encrypted message, I get the password dialog for the key. When I enter the correct password, the dialog comes up again.

In the enigma.log I see the entries belog. I think the problem is the "gpg no pinentry" - it seems that the password entered was not passed to the gpg process. I tried it with Roundcube 1.3.9 and updated to 1.4rc 1 without any change on this problem.

Any idea?

Code: [Select]
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.22 with PHP 7.3.6
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: /usr/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/home/weiland24/domains/domainxz/public_html/tools/rcm/vendor/pear/crypt_gpg/Crypt/GPG/../../scripts/crypt-gpg-pinentry' --homedir '/home/weiland24/domains/domainxz/enigma/'
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: GPG-AGENT-INFO: /tmp/gpg-ccrajC/S.gpg-agent:5385:1
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: /usr/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --ignore-time-conflict --ignore-valid-from --homedir '/home/weiland24/domains/' --decrypt
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: selecting streams
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: => got 1
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: GPG is ready for input

Here I removed some lines, because they look correct for me.

Code: [Select]
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: => about to read 65536 bytes from GPG error
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: => read 304 bytes
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: ERROR: gpg: problem with the agent: No pinentry
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: ERROR: gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit RSA key, ID A4A056D0, created 2019-02-22
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: ERROR:       "my-mailadress@removed"
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: ERROR: gpg: public key decryption failed: Operation cancelled
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: ERROR: gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID D61425F4
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: ERROR: gpg: decryption failed: No secret key
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: => about to read 65536 bytes from GPG status
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: => read 209 bytes
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: STATUS: ERROR get_passphrase 85
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: STATUS: MISSING_PASSPHRASE
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: STATUS: ERROR pkdecrypt_failed 99
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: STATUS: NO_SECKEY A1E1AE66D61425F4
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: STATUS: BEGIN_DECRYPTION
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: STATUS: DECRYPTION_FAILED
[06-Jun-2019 09:59:40 +0200]: <bcmoshl3> GPG: STATUS: END_DECRYPTION