Author Topic: 2 Problems with Attachments  (Read 8222 times)


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2 Problems with Attachments
« on: January 20, 2008, 11:09:18 AM »
I know that there exist several problems with attachments:

Here is what's not working on my installation:

I can sent mails with attachments, but unfortunately the mail that the recipient gets has the right size (includes the attachment) but the attachment isnt displayed correct.
that means instead the jpg or pdf i get something like this (see down of my post):
i think thats somehow to do with the mime-type.
if i click on "save attachment as" always is an .html on the attachment attached. for example: test.pdf.html
if i save and rename the file everything is fine, but its not displayed correct in outlook at another mailclient

is any solution for that problem known?

edit: i downgraded now to rc2, the problem does only exist in the actual svn release

second problem is the incorrect screensize of displayed pdf-attachments.
if i open an pdf-document in rouncube, a new (fullscreen) window opens but the pdf is just displayed just on a small space on the left size.

argl: problem2 is the same here:

Content-Type: application/pdf; name="Antrag.pdf"; charset="UTF-8" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.pdf"

JVBERi0xLjMKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iajw8L1Byb2R1Y2VyKGh0bWxkb2MgMS44LjI3IENvcHlyaWdo dCAxOTk3LTIwMDYgRWFzeSBTb2Z0d2FyZSBQcm9kdWN0cywgQWxsIFJpZ2h0cyBSZXNlcnZlZC4p L0NyZWF0aW9uRGF0ZShEOjIwMDgwMTEyMTAxMjUxKzAwMDApL1RpdGxlKEFudHJhZyk+PmVuZG9i agoyIDAgb2JqPDwvVHlwZS9FbmNvZGluZy9EaWZmZXJlbmNlc1sgMzIvc3BhY2UvZXhjbGFtL3F1 b3RlZGJsL251bWJlcnNpZ24vZG9sbGFyL3BlcmNlbnQvYW1wZXJzYW5kL3F1b3Rlc2luZ2xlL3Bh cmVubGVmdC9wYXJlbnJpZ2h0L2FzdGVyaXNrL3BsdXMvY29tbWEvaHlwaGVuL3BlcmlvZC9zbGFz aC96ZXJvL29uZS90d28vdGhyZWUvZm91ci9maXZlL3NpeC9zZXZlbi9laWdodC9uaW5lL2NvbG9u L3NlbWljb2xvbi9sZXNzL2VxdWFsL2dyZWF0ZXIvcXVlc3Rpb24vYXQvQS9CL0MvRC9FL0YvRy9I L0kvSi9LL0wvTS9OL08vUC9RL1IvUy9UL1UvVi9XL1gvWS9aL2JyYWNrZXRsZWZ0L2JhY2tzbGFz aC9icmFja2V0cmlnaHQvYXNjaWljaXJjdW0vdW5kZXJzY29yZS9ncmF2ZS9hL2IvYy9kL2UvZi9n L2gvaS9qL2svbC9tL24vby9wL3Evci9zL3QvdS92L3cveC95L3ovYnJhY2VsZWZ0L2Jhci9icmFj ZXJpZ2h0L2FzY2lpdGlsZGUgMTI4L0V1cm8gMTYwL3NwYWNlL2V4Y2xhbWRvd24vY2VudC9zdGVy......