Author Topic: roundcube 1.1.5 plugin managesieve sends vacation notification to ANY email adr.  (Read 6947 times)

Offline rhellik

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I installed roundcube 1.1.5 on our mailserver (with postfix, dovecot, vimbmail) for vacation responses. The problem is, if one client sets up a vacation filter, any email address that is handled by the server will respond to all incoming messages with that ONE vacation notice. I haven't really changed the configuration.

Is this a common issue? Should I try to upgrade? Is there a better plugin than "managesieve" to only manage vacation notices?

Offline JohnDoh

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it sounds like you have an error in your sieve configuration on dovecot. this is not a roundcube issue. check you server, may be you've set it to have 1 global rule file for all users rather than per user or something like that.
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Offline rhellik

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I'm not exactly sure, how roundcube / dovecot is supposed to work or be configured. I just install it and hope it works.

I do have these configurations in 90-sieve.conf:
Code: [Select]
  #sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_dir = ~/sieve
(yes the first line is commented out)

Individual sieves ARE created per mail account in:

The weird thing is (to me) that dovecot seems to access this symlink under /etc/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve, which as far as I could read up should point to the currently active sieve upon receiving. That should mean it changes the location to the currently receiving email address, but it only always points to this one sieve, which then is used for ALL accounts.

Offline JohnDoh

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you may be better off asking in the dovecot community for help as this is about that software and not roundcube.

you can find all the config options and what they do here

try uncommenting the `sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve` line as that should allow you to have an active rule file per user rather than just 1 globally.

there are lots of guides on the internet of how to setup dovecot and sieve so you could also try one of those. dont forget to restart dovecot after making config changes.
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Offline rhellik

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Wow, this seems to have done it! Thanks so much!

Yes there is lots of documentations and configurations around, but I find it hard as a "noob" to find out which does what exactly and if that what people want is the same as I want.