Release Support > Requests

Add unread message icon to browser tab


Typically I will have pinned tabs in my laptop browser for respective emails. I have one for Gmail, also Outlook and a separate account I don't tie into Gmail that I check via Roundcube, Having using SquirrelMail and Horde for periods I have settled on RoundCube as the pick of them, it's great.

A feature I find very hand in Gmail is enabling the Settings | Unread message icon, this happens in an Outlook 354 tab by default. So without opening the tab I can see if I have email at a glance. I did not find a mention of tab unread indicator searching the forum. Has this functionality been considered for RoundCube?

Thanks for considering.

I believe this is supported by the newmail_notifier plugin that ships with Roundcube.

Plugins, cool. I searched the repo and found but this just does desktop notifications it seems...

My isp installed newmail_notifier plugin and it works great with no desktop notification contrary to the docs, rather it is tab notification :-)


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