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Emails with grey circles with slashes through them

Started by arjones85, February 04, 2008, 12:59:08 AM

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For some reason if I am logged into my roundcube rc2 install and it displays my emails, if I log out, move an email from my inbox to a different imap folder with my thunderbird client, then log back into roundcube, the email that I moved will still be shown in my inbox but greyed out with a circle and a slash through it.

Why does it do that, and how can I make it stop doing that? I don't need it to keep track of emails for me, I just need it to be dumb and show me exactly what's in my imap folders ;)


Nevermind figured it out. For anyone else that stumbles across this "issue", set this to true:

// Set TRUE if deleted messages should not be displayed
// This will make the application run slower
$rcmail_config['skip_deleted'] = TRUE;