Author Topic: Programmer for RCM plugin needed, will pay.  (Read 7154 times)

Offline jschulze

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Programmer for RCM plugin needed, will pay.
« on: February 25, 2008, 05:12:35 AM »
I love RCM, it's exactly what I need. You guys have done a great job so far.

But for my project I need some additions.

I am a programmer by myself, but I am a total goof with OOP, so instead of investing years in understanding the scripts I ask somebody to help me. I will pay for it of course.

My aim is to plug some anti spam tools into RCM, which I created myself and wish work fine for me.
What I need:

1. Two new tabs under Personal Settings called “SettingsX” and “SettingsY” which give me the opportunity to change simple toggle-button-settings, like “Switch XY on/off”

2. A simple empty template which I can use to enhance RCM with results given by my tools, e.g. a form template: I enter a value, I press submit and the result set (table, picture, HTML, system message whatever) is not presented in an new pop up page but in the RCM site itself with the right look and feel. I am sure, you know what I mean.
3. A second address book called “Blacklist”. I am sure you know what it means ;)

What I have:
My tool so far uses one important table with user information, such as name, addresses, date, role etc. I am not sure weather to keep it or use an enriched user-table of RCM. Maybe you can help?

Regards from Germany