Roundcube Community Forum


Your session is invalid or expired

Started by blickwinkel, January 20, 2008, 07:48:10 AM

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i have upgraded rc1 to rc2 and followed the upgrading-instructions. I can logg in, but after going to the settings, when i return to my mails roundcube always kicks me out. "Your session is invalid or expired ". I have checked the settings, deleted my cache and the db session-table. I have also tried to change the program/include/ as suggested in , but it still doesn't work. i would be thankful for any hint...



same over here. also tried that patch... doesn't work.


FYI, I was running into this error as well. It appeared all of the sudden, after the system had been working fine.

Turns out my DB server and my WWW server system times were ~15 minutes apart. I synced them up with NTP and everything worked like a charm.