Release Support > Pending Issues

(0.1Beta2) Unable to save to Drafts and to Attach a file to e-mail...


I'm still unable to save to Drafts trac ticket nr. 1483880

And because off a ISP with a running Cpanel Server with SAFEMODE ON I'm unable
to attach a file to a composed e-mail.

The safemode restriction you may not be able to work around. That's something a script really can't take care of.  That's a server setup issue that you and your ISP have to work out.

As for the saving to drafts... not so sure. I haven't tested that yet.

The problem with Safemode is also something Joomla (CMS System) is having problems with.
The dev. team from Joomla is currently working on a solution (it wil be within 1.1), until that
time there was another solution with a FTP upload system.

When you wanted something uploaded (attached) there was a option to profide the ftp
usernaam and password and the script would upload the file true FTP....
( )


--- Quote from: Reload ---The problem with Safemode is also something Joomla (CMS System) is having problems with.
The dev. team from Joomla is currently working on a solution (it wil be within 1.1), until that
time there was another solution with a FTP upload system.

When you wanted something uploaded (attached) there was a option to profide the ftp
usernaam and password and the script would upload the file true FTP....
( )

--- End quote ---
[ot] iirc Joomla! 1.1 will never be, next is 1.5 [/ot]


--- Quote from: Reload ---I'm still unable to save to Drafts trac ticket nr. 1483880

--- End quote ---

I have the same issue, It worked before, but not now.



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