Author Topic: Webfilter  (Read 3965 times)

Offline shaunbpd

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« on: April 09, 2008, 09:58:23 AM »
Hi Guys

I am really new to round cube, but what I have seen its great! I am also fairly new php (last time I did dev work on php was with dreamweaver about two year ago and not much scripting). So forgive me for saying this, I am a dotnet developer now.

We have installed roundcube as a webmail solution for our clients, but what we are currently busy with is setting up a spam filtering system where users can logon (to another instance of roundmail) where suspected spam will be forwarded to. I would like to customize this interface and maybe develop it in ASP, so my question is can I interface with the roundmail functions (sendmail etc) using ASP? I am able to connect to the MySQL database and will be able to setup views etc from there, but my concern is really just having a button which the user can see a specific email which is in quaratine and release it using a send mail function of roundcube!? I want to keep the roundcube installation as is when installed, but the interface not available to users. I will also put a link and a "Powered By RoundCube Mail" message on all pages.

Thanks guys, any help will be greatly appreciated.