Release Support > Requests

HTML display on cell phones


The issue:   When sending out emails containing HTML to cell phones the display is unreadable.

I have online forms that when completed send an email to my roundcube email.  The automatic email containing HTML is readable as displayed on a laptop or tablet. However when attempting to read it on a android cell phone the display is garbled and pretty much unreadable. The only workaround I have found is to "print" it to a PDF file. There is no way to display it as plain text. I have found no setting in roundcube to send an email out as plain text.  Am I missing something? (probably)

When viewing HTML messages, at the top of the screen a little below the subject you should see an option to switch between HTML and Plain text view. See this screenshot

Similarly when composing a message you can switch between HTML and Plain text mode. Its the first icon on the toolbar at the top of the message contents box.

You can set the defaults for these from your Settings, Preferences > Displaying Messages > Display HTML and Composing Messages > Compose HTML messages.


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