Author Topic: Larry - change toprigth username  (Read 11887 times)

Offline danethz

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Larry - change toprigth username
« on: January 13, 2021, 07:23:32 AM »
Can I somehow change the top-right username in Larry theme?
I can see it in "larry/includes/header.html":
Code: [Select]
<roundcube:if condition="!env:extwin &amp;&amp; !env:framed" />
<span class="username"><roundcube:object name="username" /></span>
I have several servers, which authenticated via Windows AD.
In case of some user it will be:
username - user1@domain1.local
e-mail - user1@domain2.local
But in Larry theme in topright it shows username, not the e-mail address.
Can I change it?
Thanks  :)