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Error 1f4)

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The log reads :
[07-Aug-2006 06:19:26 -0700] DB Error: DB Error: connect failed in /home/.feedback/naina/ on line 105

The error I get on page is :


Error No. 1f4)

Mail, without roundCube is accessible on There is no iMap - should that be a problem?
I am on Dreamhost and they have mySQL - and I am not a tech person at all. Any clues on what's going on? Please help! I've read the couple of other entries talking about Error 1f4) but nothing works.

Error 1f4) is basically meaning that the system is unavailable. Mainly because of the database being connected to wrong. Double-check your database settings. Also make sure that you have edited and saved and in the "config/" folder. Without those files, you get this error.

I checked out the DreamHost wiki page as well [ the one that talks about RoundCube - - but it still did not solve my problem because that information seems outdated ]. I've executed the SQL, but I still get the same error - See this is what I have done:

1. Created a folder called roundcubemail under my domain - the path would be
2. Uploaded the whole folder [ index.php, config, logs etc. inside the roundcubemail folder - is that how it's supposed to be done or am I supposed to upload to the folder?
3. Then I created a database in my DreamHost space - and then I executed the SQL and even inserted a user from within the PHPMyAdmin interface.

I am still getting the same error - DB Error: DB Error: connect failed in /home/.feedback/naina/ on line 105

PLEASE >:( I'm quite frustrated - I really want to try out RoundCube!

Can you copy and paste your database config file....

Remember to change your password to something else... Like lets say password :)

Naina...I'm on Dreamhost as well and using RoundCube. It worked great until Thursday last week when I started getting the same error and I didn't personally change the DB or any of the files. Kind of interesting to know I'm not the only one on Dreamhost that is having this issue. They are looking into it so if I hear something back I'll let you know what they say.

As for your questions, the files should go in the roundcubemail folder you created so it sounds like you put them in the right place.

Also, did you follow all the steps relating to modifying the config files and such that are in the wiki? If I remember correctly all of that was still relevant to the current version of RoundCube. The only part I had an issue with was when I tried running the SQL file. I was using the MySQL GUI instead of PHPMyAdmin (not sure if that makes any difference) and for some reason it kept choking on the entire thing. So I ran each table create section separately and everything worked like a champ after that.


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