Author Topic: IOS app sync with roundcube webmail  (Read 5164 times)

Offline calbrit

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IOS app sync with roundcube webmail
« on: April 14, 2021, 07:50:22 PM »
so - I mostly use my email on my phone, but some days go to my desktop and use the web-based version (especially if working with docs, etc.
I just realized that the two don't sync *AT ALL*. To be fair to myself, I haven't been using this addy that long. But, it's long enough that I now have to figure it all out and save and archive emails. And, need to get them sorted out together, and figure out the best way going forward.
I'm good with the roundcube web interface, but want it to sync i.e. properly work with an iphone app. Can anyone give me the best app (NOT the actual iphone Email app, please) that I can use?
Thank you!!

Offline VA1DER

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Re: IOS app sync with roundcube webmail
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2021, 12:16:34 PM »
So this kind of synchronization isn't a function of roundcube or your IOS apps, per se.  It is a function of how each of them are talking to the back end server.

If you want them to be synchronized, then they both need to be using IMAP to talk to the mail server.  It sounds like your iphone may be using pop3 to talk to the server.