Miscellaneous > Roundcube Discussion

Single Sign-on with Auth0


Is there a way to configure SSO with Auth0?

Auth0 username --> IMAP and SMTP username
Auth0 password --> IMAP and SMTP password

Server and port are defined in the config file and are always the same.

Thanks in advance.

Auth0 is a company not an authentication protocol and so from that point of view you need to talk to them about what they support. However, a simple internet search suggests that they support the OAuth protocol which Roundcube 1.5 will support. The Release Candidate of Roundcube 1.5 was published a few days ago and so you might want to give that a try, assuming you know the OAuth config information for you AuthO account.

Thank you for reaching back. I'm still one 1.4.11 but will try after upgrading to 1.5. I'll keep you posted.


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