Release Support > Pending Issues

White page displayed when I navigate to Settings > Folders


Hey all -

Pretty much what it says in the title. We're using Roundcube to connect to our IMAP server (UW-IMAP, hope to change this to Dovecot sooner than later), and other folks properly get their "Settings" > "Folders" page rendered, I do not. Also, I'm not sure where I might put a mail folder prefix in for Roundcube.

Look in the Roundcube error log (typically <rc root>/logs/errors).

--- Quote ---I'm not sure where I might put a mail folder prefix in for Roundcube.
--- End quote ---
In your config file:

--- Code: ---// If IMAP server doesn't support NAMESPACE extension, but you're
// using shared folders or personal root folder is non-empty, you'll need to
// set these options. All can be strings or arrays of strings.
// Note: Folders need to be ended with directory separator, e.g. "INBOX."
//       (special directory "~" is an exception to this rule)
// Note: These can be used also to overwrite server's namespaces
// Note: Set these to FALSE to disable access to specified namespace
$config['imap_ns_personal'] = null;
$config['imap_ns_other']    = null;
$config['imap_ns_shared']   = null;

--- End code ---

So, strangely, the only log that even seems to recognize something happens is /var/log/httpd/access_log, which shows:

--- Code: --- - - [19/Jan/2022:13:54:01 -0700] "GET /?_task=settings&_action=folders HTTP/1.1" 500 - "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:95.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.0"
--- End code ---

/var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log, /var/log/httpd/error_log, /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log, and /var/www/html/roundcube/logs/errors all don't show anything when I try to load that page. Possibly a PHP or network timeout that's killing it too quickly? My PHP memory limit is set to 128 MB, but I can hike this to 512 MB, but I don't think that's the issue. And max_execution_time is set to 30 seconds, so I don't think that's it, either. :/

On the webserver, when I try to list the folders, I get the following in /var/log/maillog:

--- Code: ---Jan 19 13:58:54 mail_server imapd[23389]: imap service init from
Jan 19 13:58:54 mail_server imapd[23389]: Login []
Jan 19 13:59:10 mail_server imapd[23389]: Logout []

--- End code ---

Thats your HTTP servers error log, you should look in the Roundcube error log.


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