Roundcube Community Forum


PHP Deprecated: Return type

Started by ewok2, November 21, 2022, 05:17:02 PM

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My roundcube/dovecot/postfix/nginx server is working fine.
I have add somes plugin (and perform sopme upgrade to make it work.)

But recently I have seen a lot of "PHP Deprecated" message il the "roundcube/logs/errors.log "
I know that deprecated is not equal to an error but each action on my roundcube interface produce "PHP Deprecated" message...

I have the folowing version installed :
Ubuntu 22.04
roundcube : 1.6.0
dovecot : 2.3.16
PHP 8.1.12

Any idee of there is a way toi remove theses message waiting for a not deprecated version of php ?




I am also having a similar issue, I have submitted an issue about this on github. I believe it is because of the most reason version of php has finally stopped allowing the use of a deprecated function, I have checked the php documents and this was flagged as deprecated months ago and people continued to use it.

It is probably something the developers need to patch, but if your roundcube is working there is nothing to worry about :)



So only to clean sometime the log file :-)