Roundcube Community Forum


How Activate "zipdownload" in CPanel

Started by uranoz, March 05, 2023, 02:09:18 PM

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We understand the Roundcube plugin "zipdownload" will allow users to download multiple images attached  to an email as a ZIP file.

Assuming this is correct, we want to activate this plugin, and can really use some help about how to do this. The plugin is listed on the default plugin library for RoundCube.

Is there some way to activate this plugin via cPanel, maybe via the phpMyAdmin section?

Any help on this process would be greatly appreciated!

PS - please note, we are on a shared server, our ISP does not offer support for RoundCube, and also does not allow us access to the php config file for RoundCube  (/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/config/


If you don't have the ability to edit the Roundcube config file you wont be able to enable any plugins.


There may be a work-around, where a new version of RoundCube is installed on a subdomain, and the plugins activated in that install. 

The new RC email points to the same database, so previous emails are accessible, although settings will not duplicate in the new version, so will have to be reset.

We cannot verify this, as our ISP does not allow subdomains for our account type, but here is the cPanel guidance on this:


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