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Bulk change timezone is possible?

Started by baitasite, December 01, 2022, 01:51:58 AM

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All right, guys? Can you tell me if it's possible to setar the timeone of 100 email accounts at once, via some roundcube settings file?


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Thanks for reply! But, how to set this config? I'm a layman


Usage: [options] pref-name [pref-value]
    --user=user-id User ID in local database
    --config=path  Location of additional configuration file
    --delete       Unset the given preference
    --type=type    Pref-value type: int, bool, string

Because you want to update all users you can omit the --user param so the command would be something like:

./ timezone America/New_York

where "America/New_York" is the PHP timezone name for whatever timezone you want to set.
Roundcube Plugins: Contextmenu, SpamAssassin Prefs, and more...