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So I have a few questions about the cube

Started by THCS, March 17, 2023, 05:58:29 PM

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I am having such trouble with this email platform....  I need to be able to file emails into folders for my records, but the platform is ladyhawked. I either see my folders or my emails, but never both at the same time.

I tried to include a screenshot to show you what I mean, but apparently the screenshot is too large to attach. A screen shot!

Also can anyone verify that this platform is encrypted? All emails we use need to be HIPPA compliant and I cannot seem to verify whether this one is or not.


QuoteI either see my folders or my emails, but never both at the same time.
On small screens/phones the folder column is the first to be hidden and then the preview pane. When the screen size is limited the message list has to be prioritized. You can still move messages between folders though. Select the message and then on the menu go to More and then Move to.

QuoteAlso can anyone verify that this platform is encrypted? All emails we use need to be HIPPA compliant and I cannot seem to verify whether this one is or not.
Roundcube is open source webmail software it is not a "platform". You should ask your email provider any compliance related questions like this.
Roundcube Plugins: Contextmenu, SpamAssassin Prefs, and more...


Thank you for the explanation of webmail versus email. I guess it is offered through Kolab Groupware... I will find elsewhere to ask this same question about Kolab.

As for the first question though, I was not referring to a small screen.... this is a full size desk top computer screen of at least 32 inches or more and even when I try what you suggested, which I did several times both before and after your response, it will not display all the folders. Just inbox, drafts, sent, spam, trash, and tasks.... none of the folders I created to sort documents. So again, can anyone tell me how to get my folders to show up so that I can sort my documents? Because I have tried everything I can think of and I have used lots of different mailboxes, but I have never come across this issue.


In your initial post your post you said no folders are displayed. Now you say the folder list is displayed but not all of them? I'm little confused what the issue is. I'm guessing you don;t know what skin you are using? Could it be there are some folders you have created but not subscribed to? Go to Settings > Folders and see if what you are missing is shown in that list and that it is subscribed (has a tick/"on switch") next to it.
Roundcube Plugins: Contextmenu, SpamAssassin Prefs, and more...


Johndoh, I appreciate your assistance. I am figuring it out, but it is the Larry skin and actually I never said I could not see any folders, I said I could not see any of my folders at the same time as email. I did not create the inbox, drafts, sent, spam, trash, and tasks folders. Those are created by the system and those were able to be accessed, but all the folders I created to sort my emails were ladyhawked. I will take it from here and figure it out; it is just a lot less user friendly than any other mail system I have used prior and since it is not HIPAA compliant, I do not see myself using it much anyways....