Author Topic: "Show email address with display name" in mailbox view...  (Read 2237 times)

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"Show email address with display name" in mailbox view...
« on: April 03, 2023, 07:23:54 AM »

"Show email address with display name" can be toggled either on or off under "Settings > Preferences > Displaying Messages"

However, this is not available as an option for the "Mailbox View" (Message List) where it's a more critical feature as to spot spam/malware at a quick glance.

$config['list_cols'] = array('subject', 'status', 'from', 'fromto', 'date', 'size', 'flag', 'attachment');
in  /etc/roundcube/ has no effect as a possible solution.

Is there a way to rather display the envelope-from in the "mailbox view" (message list) than the so easily faked "display name" ?

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Re: "Show email address with display name" in mailbox view...
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2023, 11:23:54 PM »
... a picture speaks a thousand words

It's critical to have the SENDER's ADDRESS displayed with the SUBJECT to be able to quickly eyeball an email as a second means of defense against spam/scams and malware.

The "@ Full Address Column" add-on for Thunderbird does exactly this, for sender and recipient addresses. As such, we've done away with displaying the sender and receiver in favor of displaying the full sender and full receiver addresses when a newb user allowed malware into the network.

As such, everyone had been educated on how domains work and therefore to be able to eyeball & immediately identify scam/spam emails from senders such as:

It's not a nice to have, but essential feature.

Offline JohnDoh

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Re: "Show email address with display name" in mailbox view...
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2023, 12:00:37 PM »
You said this can be done with a plugin for Thunderbird. It could also be done with a plugin for Roundcube.

Like the TB plugin you could add new columns but thats not so straightforward with the Roundcube widescreen layout. The email address is already included in the message list as a tooltip so you could add a bit of JS something like:
Code: [Select]
rcmail.addEventListener('insertrow', function(props) {
    var address = $('#' +'span.adr > span');
    var name = address.text();
    var email = address.attr('title');
    address.attr('title', name).text(email);
to swap the 2 bits of information over.
Roundcube Plugins: Contextmenu, SpamAssassin Prefs, and moreā€¦

Offline MrArtist

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Re: "Show email address with display name" in mailbox view...
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2023, 07:11:34 AM »
I totally agree with the need expressed in original comment/request along with the security concerns and I don't understand why all email systems don't display the full sender details everywhere possible (or at least have the option to do so if it's a question of space saving for some).

Apart from the security aspects and being able to see at a glance if the sending domain is as expected (instead of hovering or actually looking at an email), so many times I have people with similar names and/or use multiple email addreses and without the ability to quickly see the full details like e.g. "Display Name <> it makes life much more tedious, unsafe and prone to making mistakes (when sending or receiving).

I came here after experimenting with RoundCube again and found the full display possibility missing in the column showing my inbox contents. Additionally and similarly, because of the odd way newly used sent-to email addresses get added automatically to Collected Recipients they get assigned a display name that I didn't set (taken from the part before the @) which makes it very difficult to know or see the real details which very strangely gets that artificial shortened Display Name used when sending new emails out to that contact (and I can't tell who it's actually to especially if I might have several contacts called "Dave"). To edit/correct that, I have to move the Contact to Personal Addresses where I see nothing actually saved for the Display Name, press save and then it works as expected.

I use Thunderbird all the time normally with the full details showing using the "Full Address column" plugin but without that ability in RoundCube it makes my use of it unlikely. Shame, as otherwise Roundcube looks like it could be really useful at times.