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I need help with changing port 25 into SSL certificate

Started by Ineedmentalhelp, May 23, 2023, 06:15:06 PM

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Hello I need help to know how can i change port 25 into SSL certificate since port25 was blocked by accident by the company who sold me a VPS and now i need to make the SSL in place of the port 25 who can help me please? :'( what do i have to change in my config files?


You're in luck; I didn't get enough sleep and am waiting for the caffeine from my coffee to kick in, and while that's happening, I've authored this answer:

You ask for help "how can i change port 25 into SSL certificate", but that goal doesn't make any sense. A "port" is a feature of networking rather like a door, while an SSL certificate is... like a certificate, meaning a document; you're asking to change a door into a document.

One can guess you mean you want the door - the port! - to be able to accept the certificate, but it's very obvious you don't yet have the background to know what you're doing. This MAY be able to push you in the right direction:

While I'm not an expert with RC, as someone who's a very experienced system administrator, I guess you mean "VPN" instead of "VPS" as I don't even know what VPS is, but a Virtual Private Network is a real thing and would almost make sense in this context.

But if a vendor sold you a VPN, they should explain to you how to use their product. However, I wouldn't expect this would be of their direct concern because you, as system administrator, have to configure Round Cube (and any other software you run, such as your Mail Transport Agent - MTA - such as postfix and IMAP server such as Dovecot) to work in this environment. And generally speaking non-standard port assignments aren't going to "play well" with other people's email systems.

That said, the ports involved are:

25 is for "SMTP", which is normal, inbound, unencrypted email

587 is for "mail message submission", similar to port 25, but used for "outgoing mail"

993 is for IMAPS - that is IMAP over SSL

995 is for POPS - POP protocol over SSL

465 has (at least) dual use but started out as used for "SMTPS", meaning SMTP using SSL (TLS) It's officially deprecated for that use but is still often used for this.

2525 is an unofficial port that many sites use for SMTP submission (outbound) as an alternative for 587.

There's a lot of help on the internet, such as this page - it's not the most accurate, such as using the word "web" when they clearly mean "internet", but is intended for beginners like you:


Hi i dont understand what im saying is the port 25 used for me to send emails and things got blocked and i cannot unblock it so i want to replace it by the SSL certificate many people did that i searched the internet how to do that but i dont know how to
Thanks if u respond to my message


QuoteHi i dont understand what im saying is the port 25 used for me to send emails and things got blocked and i cannot unblock it so i want to replace it by the SSL certificate many people did that i searched the internet how to do that but i dont know how to
Thanks if u respond to my message

Your SMTP server talk with another SMTP servers thru 25 port. If your provider block it - your sever can't send any message to internet and can't receive any message, and no matter with SSL you connect to him as client or not.

I think you must find IT specialist, who did it for you. If you can't understand this simple information - you can't do it by yourself.

What reason why your provider block 25 port for your VPS? You send spam or what?
If your mail server have blocked 25 port by your provider for some reason - I think you need find another provider or correct configure your mail server (SSL,DKIM,DMARC, SPF and etc) and ask provider about unblocking.


hello when i asked my provider i need help with unblocking they said they cant they didnt provide a reason they just said its impossible



To send mail from Roundcube you should not be using port 25. Configure Roundcube to use port 587 and SSL/TLS. You can find hints in config/ if you search for smtp.


Now thats what i was searching thanks ill search right now! :D


Hello i dont know where is the part how to configurate it to use port 587 do i like put the localhost:port587 in smtp or in imap here is what it says:
// IMAP host chosen to perform the log-in.
// See for the option description.
$config['imap_host'] = 'localhost:143';

// SMTP server host (for sending mails).
// See for the option description.
$config['smtp_host'] = 'localhost:587';


Ok you can connect RC to your mail server with SSL. But how your mail server can work with closed access to 25 port ?


$config['smtp_host'] = 'tls://localhost:587'; // replace localhost with your server host name (or IP)