Roundcube Community Forum documentation update pending

Started by SoporteVLC, June 12, 2023, 05:50:39 AM

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HI this is our first comment.

We discovered than in (fieldmap - ldap section) documentation needs update. Lines like:
'street'      => 'street',
    'zipcode'     => 'postalCode',
    'region'      => 'st',
    'locality'    => 'l',
has to be writen this way to work:
'address:street'      => 'street',
    'address:zipcode'     => 'postalCode',
    'address:region'      => 'st',
    'address:locality'    => 'l',

I hope this can help anyone.

Also notice that on second level atribute (phone: something, or address: something) we have write localization words (spanish without accents) and also works well for the actual version:
                'fieldmap' => array(
                        'name' => 'cn',
                        'email' => 'mail',
                        'surname' => 'sn',
                        'firstname' => 'givenName',
                        'jobtitle' => 'title',
                        'phone:Movil' => 'telephoneNumber',
                        'phone:Extension' => 'mobile',
                        'organization' => 'Company',
                        'department' => 'department',
                        'address:Sede' => 'l',
                        'address:Oficina' => 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
                        'address:login' => 'samAccountName',

Best regards.