Author Topic: Due to the removal of Horde from Cpanel - Can we have a "search filter" feature?  (Read 7223 times)

Offline webmailuser

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RoundCube Development,

I love RoundCube, obviously much nicer looking and works great, however it doesn't have a feature that
the Webmail App Horde offers, and I make heavy use of it, as do several of my customers.

You can create and save a 'search filter' and/or 'virtual folders' where you can select various criteria,
 to search in the available email fields, from, to, subject, body, etc..etc..  and once you create and save
the criteria, give it a name, it will save those for future use.

Then if you select that Search Criteria, it will then filter/limit what is available to view in the mailbox.

At that point it is easier to locate specific emails, individually select,  or possibly select all and move, archive, delete, etc..etc...

Please advise if this is already been requested, something similar and any hopes of this happening?

thank you! :o

Offline AndreB

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I don't know Horde, and your solution sounds great and I will upvote but I think an easy change that would also help a LOT would simply be:

Automatically save the search filter settings if you start a search.

I guess that is just Cookie stuff so it will be preserved between sessions, right?

Practical example: I always use Search to check all commuinications with a specific customer.
For this I search for the customers email address, and I'ld like to see:
- Both sent by and sent to that email address, so both: Sender & Recipient options
- Obviously this requires searching both Inbox and Outbox and even other boxes, so I use "Scope: all folders"

Great. But currently (roundcube 1.6.1, at least with my provider) each new search will revert settings to: Sender only, current folder.
This gets quite annoying quite fast ;-)

Checked settings and other options but I can't find a solution...

Offline webmailuser

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Thanks for responding!

Appreciate the UpVote, please do!

As far as being a cookies solution if that makes it easier... great, but without being in development myself, and speaking
from an end user and semi-aware development manager, I don't know if cookies will do it as those get cleared and also
use of other devices and browsers has a role here.

Please upvote, please make it possible to save and resuse search criteria!

Thank you anyone and all for your support!