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email being flagged with deleted icon automagically?

Started by rkbelew, August 04, 2023, 04:25:20 PM

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[hi all, first time/newbee posting to roundcube forum]

some process is adding deleted flags to email and i'm trying to dig in to how/what.   (see attached screenshot)

the delete flagged messages do NOT land in the deleted folder?

roundcube is providing webmail access for an account i typically access only via a remote client (Thunderbird) via Imap.  i have local filters within Thunder; does Imap somehow communicate these back to the server?


IMAP clients syncs state with the mail server so if Thunderbird is moving or deleting the message it will update the main server.


as I know some client can mark message as deleted but not move it to trash folder


thanks to you both @Dmitry42 and @SKaero.  it seems the latency between actions on my remote client and roundcube on the server describes what i saw.