Author Topic: OAUTH2 Microsoft  (Read 4865 times)

Offline hindra1546

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OAUTH2 Microsoft
« on: November 16, 2023, 11:53:28 PM »
I have an error with the session after my OAUTH2 authentication
Here is my OAUTH2 config :

 $config['oauth_provider'] = 'outlook';
 $config['oauth_provider_name'] = 'Microsoft';
$config['oauth_client_id'] = "id";
$config['oauth_client_secret'] = "secret";
$config['oauth_auth_uri'] = "";
$config['oauth_token_uri'] = "";
$config['oauth_identity_uri'] = "";
$config['oauth_identity_fields'] = ['email', 'userPrincipalName'];
$config['oauth_scope'] = "";
$config['oauth_auth_parameters'] = ['access_type' => 'offline', 'prompt' => 'consent'];
$config['oauth2_auto_create'] = true;

I set up the redirection to the mail box url in the rcmail_oauth file which is :
    public function get_redirect_uri()
    return 'http://localhost:8181/roundcube/?_task=mail&_mbox=INBOX';

So after the OAUTH is done, it should go to the redirect_uri, but i keep beign redirected to the login page with the Error 'Invalid or session expired'

I've enable the Session log and i got something like this :
[14-Nov-2023 09:33:56 +0300]: <ern0vc9h> Aborted session ern0vc9hbj0in2mu8gbvat3ub3; no valid session data found

Can someone help me on what should i do
