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After update problem opening advanced search in #contacts-box

Started by micaelbolognini, January 19, 2024, 07:41:25 AM

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We have a custom skin where we have the following code:
in addressbook.html

<roundcube:button command="advanced-search" type="link" class="button search disabled" classAct="button search" classSel="button search pressed" label="advanced" title="advsearch" />

in contactsearch.html

<roundcube:object name="searchform" id="advsearchform" class="tabbed" size=30 />

when I look at the genereated code has this
onclick="return rcmail.command('advanced-search','',this,event)"

and it calls : ?task=addressbook

In the earlier version it opened in the iframe , now it opens in a jquery dialog.

please point me in the right direction.