Roundcube Community Forum


Displaying registered email accounts in contacts

Started by infirit, March 04, 2024, 07:46:55 PM

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Hello. I have a corporate mail server on Exim+Dovecot+Roundcube. It is necessary that all registered mailboxes and names are displayed in the contacts section. I did not find this option in the Roundcube settings. I installed the Globaladdressbook plugin, but it only displays contacts added manually or imported from a file.


This depends how you are storing your user information. Roundcube support LDAP address books for example. You could also make your own address book plugin which can pull information from what ever source you are using.
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Quote from: JohnDoh on March 06, 2024, 04:08:43 PM
This depends how you are storing your user information. Roundcube support LDAP address books for example. You could also make your own address book plugin which can pull information from what ever source you are using.
Information is stored in a database. For this functionality, I don't want to set up an entire ldap server. Does your plugin have an option to work with an account database for the functionality described above?