Author Topic: Password Changing Problem  (Read 4426 times)

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Password Changing Problem
« on: May 30, 2008, 10:22:08 AM »
Hi from the UK,

I have Roundcube running just fine. new users are being added to the database just fine.

However, I can't see a password row in the User table, which means I can't change User's passwords, and neither can they.

I did try chetcpasswd, but it wasn't a successful activity and I read that it introduces vulnerabilities, so I trashed it.

Anyone know how to successfully add the ability for Users/Admins to change the account passwords?

I run my own web/mail/ftp cluster:), so I have total access (no hosting company or ISP to worry about - thank goodness). I do not use a hosting panel.

I have dbWQwiksite 5, and I have been trying to use it to create a database interface to do this job, so far nada.

Thanks in advance.