Author Topic: RC Configuration  (Read 2079 times)

Offline morsecode1965

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RC Configuration
« on: March 06, 2024, 08:12:23 AM »
I recently upgraded from 1.4.13 to 16.6 and have run into multiple problems.

One issue I am still struggling with that I may have forced it to work is running /installer/. The script told me that I must first run the /installer/. When I run it (still) I get a blank config instead of using my current configuration. I was able to get it to run by running the bin/ script after setting the ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to point to /etc/roundcube. This completed the database upgrade and all appears to work.

Ubuntu 20.04

So my question is, how does config work within Roundcube?

I see there is:
 - ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_DIR environment variable
 - RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR variable

I also see the following directories:
 - /etc/roundcube
 - /var/lib/roundcube/config (--> /etc/roundcube)
 - /usr/share/roundcube/config

So, who is config setup in the following?
 - Running standard roundcube /roundcube/
 - Running installer /roundcube/installer/
 - Running from command line (e.g., bin/

Offline JohnDoh

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Re: RC Configuration
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2024, 03:45:21 PM »
The fact you have a /etc/roundcube dir makes me think may be you installed Roundcube from a package, I guess one created by the Ubuntu community. In that package the location of things like configs has been changed from the default to what ever fits with their environment. I think if you are trying to update that packaged version using the original version of Roundcube that's why you are running into some problems, the packaged version is just built differently.

It might be easier to make a fresh install from the original version and copy of any configs you need from the packaged version.
Roundcube Plugins: Contextmenu, SpamAssassin Prefs, and more…

Offline morsecode1965

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Re: RC Configuration
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2024, 06:30:47 AM »
Thanks for the quick response.

Hmmm, I do not see roundcube listed when I do a 'apt list --installed' or 'snap list'.

In any case, how do recommend a clean install restoring my config and db? I like standard and

I am thinking
 - backup, drop, install roundcube, and restore my postgresql roundcube database
 - save and restore all config files in /etc/roundube
 - anything in Apache?
 - anything else?

Here is what I have in /etc/roundcube


Offline JohnDoh

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Re: RC Configuration
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2024, 12:18:39 PM »
I have never tried to do it myself so I can only guess at the best way but I think I'd do something like this:

Get a fresh install of Roundcube on the server ( and copy over the relevant parts of and any configs in the plugins dir that i want (note, i see you have a couple of db config files, i'm not sure what those are but may be they have info which should be in my

also I suppose, just in case, have a look at this announcement, there were some config changes with the release of 1.6

next there is an utility shipped with Roundcube so I'd use this to bring the db schema up to date.

then I might enable the installer just because its an easy way to check everything its ok.
Roundcube Plugins: Contextmenu, SpamAssassin Prefs, and more…